Assalamualikum !
Hi there !
      I am MUZAIr akaUzair Leo from islamia College University peshawar currently doing my bachelor studies as well as i m also a cross platform application developer expert for Google flutter ui/ux designer and also nowadays i making my self an expert for On-page Search engine optimization.and at last a great tech guy who always wanna to learn and deliver as more as he afford .so its my short intro
so its me and my short Intro now we come to the news about dscicup what Google developers student club is and how can it will be good or bad for community lets have some background first
    The story starts here in 2019 july when one of my frnd not a frnd but a so called frnd tell me about dsc  one of google oppurtunites that google offered these oppurtunities now to pakistani students too and yeah its fact he not tell me i asked him that r u applying for that he is so mean that even internally he have some inner mental issue always thinking about his self but i ignore that points i m a type of guy who is always attracting toward the positivesnees either its percentages is 0.00 or 100.0 percent so i just apply at the last deadline day to this oppurtunity called Developer student club and w8 for a good reponse from google side but as because of applying at critical time google not giving me any response even they not send me the confirmation email that ur application is successfully registered with us.

 So after a month my that frnd the so called amjid frnd tell me that i am selected as   a lead after i heard that from his mouth believe me i am so happy for him and directly thinking about our working together collabration etc etc in a positive sense so we started this society or dsc club in our islamia College and everything looks good then i am working in the club as a technical guy so i tell him give me the technical portion only but he is so mean not observing individual hardwork All my besteis and even the rest of the class members seen the bad side of him even i see but i ignore all the time my rest of the friendz told me more than 100 times that dont work with this mean person at the end he will not going to reward you but i didnt listem to them and did that what my heart want so i keep more hardwork,
        I handled their social media executive place as well as graphic designer work for him and even at the end i also contribute some more of myskills to his community or indirectly to him which is my Software Development skills i offered these all skills to him and to there community just with a single motive that DO good and Have Good but unfotunately in this cruel and unbalanced people world this motive not working any more so i changed gradually this Motive to DO GOOD AND HAVE BAD which is actually the reality so i will continue my point as i mention i offered all these skills to him and to his community continously no matter its  my body sleeping time or dinner time no matter its day or night i just work hard and contribute my best in his community and After all these of my efforts in return what i get NOTHING :( in return i get this Once we have a workshop so i was late their bcoz of our class timings i discuss the issue with him but he is so mean telling me in return that you are not interesting in community bcoz u r not arranging the workshop room with us or bcoz u r not lifting chairs there i m that time like WTF? bcoz at that day i was waked up so late just bcoz i was doing the whole n8 work for him and for his community but what hes telling me i m like shoked and he is then in return also telling me or giving me some cheaps warning that i will make ur self out from our core team membership so i just stay there and dont talk anything more i just beared that and said to myself leo just JUST MOVE ON OR PASS IT ON but when he did the same thing again and again with me nd when i observed fully that this man have seriously no leadership skills he just wanna some bad fame then i took some stand against him and his community and just removed myself from his community just by showing him a middle finger and still date not talking to him just bcoz of his cheapsity that he did with me and i learn alot from that tragedy never ever trust on every one and here i am to inform u its just  a last post of this blog Good bye have a nice day  


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